Semper Ramos-Taylor

Customer Demographic

Who Is Our Customer?

The potential customers for jn2 are women between the ages of 30 and 50—our customer appreciates one of a kind clothing that doubles as a piece of artwork.  Our clothing is visually stimulating and meant to be displayed or reserved for special occasions like an onstage performance, awards ceremony, or public appearance.  Due to the unpredictable state of the fabric and dye, minimal wear is highly recommended.  Our customers value artwork regardless of its end use.

Our customers represent a demographic group of well-educated, and successful women; they are single, married, or divorced, and may or may not have children.  Their household earnings vary between $90,000 and $210,000 yearly.  Our customers seek out exclusivity and have piece of mind when they purchase from our one of a kind collection.  They lead effective lifestyles.  They are somewhat status oriented within their community but don’t fixate on it.  They like to be associated with exclusive products and are willing to pay top price.  Our current customer base lives in Los Angeles, particularly on the West Side.  In the future we would like to broaden our clientele, first domestically then internationally.


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