Semper Ramos-Taylor

Innovative Sales Strategy

Location, Location, Location

We broke with tradition and opted to feature our garments in a gallery rather than a retail setting.  In total we have two locations, a design studio and a gallery:

The studio is permanent and also serves as our headquarters.  It is located at 1284 W Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles, CA in the upcoming neighborhood of Echo Park.  We chose this site due to its central location, cost per square inch, and nearby resources.

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1284 W Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles, CA

The gallery locations are temporary and solely serve to feature our collections.  We would like to show our debut collection at the Craft & Fold Art Museum, which is located at 5814 Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles, CA.  We chose this location because we feel that it’s the best fit for our unconventional aesthetic.


Craft & Folk Art Museum in Los Angeles, CA

Lets Talk Money

Now that we have a product, we need to sell it!  While on display in the gallery, our collections will be labeled “price upon request.”   This gives the interested buyer the illusion of exclusivity and also allows us to substantially mark up our prices.  We will have an extremely limited run, so once the item is gone, its gone.  Our marketing will be done through social media and word of mouth because we want local customers interested in our products.  Once we expand our market, we will seek more effective ways to promote our product.

